Performance between Regular GeoServer and With Integrated GeoWebCache

Posted by coffeetechgaff on October 13, 2018

GeoWebCache is used to cache map tiles coming from a variety of sources such as OGC Web Map Service (WMS) i.e. GeoServer in this case. It implements various service interfaces (such as WMS-C, WMTS, TMS, Google Maps KML, Virtual Earth) in order to accelerate and optimize map image delivery. GeoServer comes with GeoWebCache which is called integrated GeoWebCache. However, we need to turn on the layer to use integrated GeoWebCache.


To increase the performance of serving layers to the user using GeoServer.


  1. ElasticSearch latest
  2. ElasticGeo 2.13.2
  3. GeoServer 2.13.2

Performance Calculation Using LeafLet

We need to do following. The angular script can be run through Zeppelin or using html page. It's upto you. However, I tested using Zeppelin

  1. Create a layer in GeoServer using this article. Datasource must have lots of data to see the performance. At least 1 million records.
  2. Enable the direct integration with GeoServer WMS check box from caching caching defaults
  3. Add following angular script to Zeppelin or in your html to see a layer in your leaflet map without using GeoWebCache
  4. Add following angular script to Zeppelin or in your html to see a layer in your leaflet map using GeoWebCache. Need to add tiled=true as a query parameter in the WMS requests. You can see the different in load time of the data on the map.

Performance Calculation Using Python Script

Let's run the following pythong script to see the number


                          import requests
                          import time
                          import grequests
                          from urllib.request import urlopen

                          url = "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/elasticsearch/wms"

                          layer = "elasticsearch:07177d4c-1227-4be4-aecc-56b600e3ed24"

                          bbox = [

                          headers = {
                          wholeStart = time.time()
                          queryParams = []
                          goodCalls = 0
                          badCalls = 0
                          for i in range(number_users):
                              start = time.time()
                              for box in bbox:
                                  querystring = {"LAYERS":layer,"FORMAT":"image/png","REQUEST":"GetMap","STYLES":"","SRS":"EPSG:3857","BBOX":box,"WIDTH":"256","HEIGHT":"256", "TRANSPARENT":"true"}
                                  r = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
                                  info = r.headers['Content-Type']
                                  if info=='image/png':
                                      goodCalls += 1
                                      badCalls += 1
                              query_time = time.time() - start
                              print('Query time for user ' + str(i) + ' is {}'.format(query_time))
                          #rs = (grequests.get(url, headers=headers,  params=p) for p in queryParams)
                          wholeQueryTime = time.time() - wholeStart
                          print('Query time for total users ' + str(number_users) + ' with request total ' + str(len(queryParams)) + ' is {}'.format(wholeQueryTime))
                          print('Total good calls ' + str(goodCalls) + ' with total bad calls ' + str(badCalls))

The Runtime without using GeoWebCache is as follows

                          Query time for user 0 is 21.038068056106567
                          Query time for user 1 is 19.959446907043457
                          Query time for user 2 is 19.74454951286316
                          Query time for user 3 is 19.76458168029785
                          Query time for user 4 is 20.557850122451782
                          Query time for user 5 is 21.417890310287476
                          Query time for user 6 is 20.058231353759766
                          Query time for user 7 is 19.57079005241394
                          Query time for user 8 is 19.79716420173645
                          Query time for user 9 is 19.767117023468018
                          Query time for total users 10 with request total 390 is 201.68155598640442
                          Total good calls 390 with total bad calls 0

The Runtime with using GeoWebCache is as follows

                          Change the url to
                          url = "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/elasticsearch/wms?tiled=true&"

                          Query time for user 0 is 0.638730525970459
                          Query time for user 1 is 0.5899291038513184
                          Query time for user 2 is 0.5873465538024902
                          Query time for user 3 is 0.8277342319488525
                          Query time for user 4 is 0.6482501029968262
                          Query time for user 5 is 0.6671054363250732
                          Query time for user 6 is 0.6258928775787354
                          Query time for user 7 is 0.6370384693145752
                          Query time for user 8 is 0.5637142658233643
                          Query time for user 9 is 0.5665357112884521
                          Query time for total users 10 with request total 390 is 6.361682415008545
                          Total good calls 390 with total bad calls 0


GeoWebCache increases the performance of GeoServer substancially as you can see above. This will be very useful if multiple users try to access same layer. We just need to remember turn on the integrated GeoWebCache option while creating a layer.
